2013年3月9日 星期六

History Of The Color Wheel

History Of The Color Wheel

-The first color wheel has been attributed to Sir Isaac Newton, who in 1706 arranged red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet into a natural progression on a rotating disk. As the disk spins, the colors blur together so rapidly that the human eye sees white. From there the organization of color has taken many forms, from tables and charts, to triangles and and wheels the history.

(BY: http://www.colourlovers.com/)

Color Tables and Charts
-Color tables expand the color bar, literally and figuratively. They offer a similarly recognizable display of information, but one that suggests interior relationships through size, shape, or placement of the colored areas.
The First Color Organization Systems

Richard Waller's Basic Chart(1686)

Wilhelm von Bezold's (1874)
Mayer's Color Triangle

4 則留言:

  1. ReRe
    for the first color wheel that Isaac Newton come out is the color wheel for light or the color wheel for the paint ?

  2. For the first picture, is that Newton who designs that?

  3. What does Newton needs color for?
