2013年3月14日 星期四


Dark colors can be beautiful too. There are people who always wear bright colors or only like brighter colors because they think that can show that they are more outgoing and cheerful.

But actually, darker colors don't always mean somethings that are bad or evil. There are many kinds of dark colors and they look great.

For example, the color of wine is dark red, which looks elegant and steady. I think that color makes people feel calm and comfortable sometimes!

Or, let's talk about dark blue. Dark blue is like the ocean in the night, people who like beach in the night might see how the water and the sky get into one piece of clam 布 and how pretty they are.

And now we can look at dark green. Trees are almost everywhere. You get to see some big trees with dark green leaves. Those trees are like old people who let us feel grace and friendly. That is the power of dark green, the color gives us those feelings toward the old trees.

Dark purple! How could we forget this color? Dark purple is not a popular colors that people usually care or talk about. Well, we can actually see dark purple on many creative projects or artworks. It is special and it is also giving me a kind of mystery atmosphere. Putting dark purple into a category seems hard for me. Dark purple is secretly in our lives but it is not letting people noticing that it is an important part of the projects, too.

Last, we can finally talk about BLACK! BLACK is just so pretty. The color black sometimes means bad or scary. However, our lives and our environments are just full of black beside us! Black screens, black iphones, black keyboards, black televisions, black hairs, black water bottles, black back bags,  black microphone, black shoes…….Black, black, black! However, to me, the most beautiful place is the dark dark sky full of black and the moon and some stars giving us a little light.
We get to know the beauty of dark colors now, and what do you think about the now?

4 則留言:

  1. I am the kind of people that likes bright colors, like sky blue, bright yellow and apple green ...etc. However, after seeing your blog and listening to your presentation, I realize that dark colors are also good!!!
    I like the dark purple picture with the stars. The stars are so beautiful. After seeing your blog, i went to my closet and i realize that i buy lots of dark color clothes. I think that i am the kind of person that likes bright and dark colors !!! :)

  2. I am a person that likes dark colors too. Dark colors make people feel more steady. For example, men do not wear bright color suits to an interview or to work.

  3. I like bright colors more than dark colors. I feel like the dark colors give people feelings of non- energetic and mysterious. I am a out going person, and maybe that is why I wear bright colors often.

  4. Sometimes we can still feel how the darker colors affect us!Dark colors can be beautiful too. If there are no darker colors, how can we feel the energy from the brighter colors? (:
